Men's Econyl Swimwear - Our Favourite Sustainable Swim Shorts

Men's Econyl Swimwear - Our Favourite Sustainable Swim Shorts

Back in June we wrote a nice little blog on women's sustainable swimwear whilst it was abso-jolly-lutely pissing it down with rain.


So two months later it feels fitting that we're covering men's sustainable swimwear with enough rain outside to genuinely warrant going swimming in...

Anyway, men's sustainable swim shorts. As you're probably now aware, swimwear isn't exactly made of the most environmentally conscious materials. Polyester/nylon/polyamide are all your old chemistry teacher's favourite jazzy names for big bad plastic.

Plastic that enjoys breaking down when washed and even worn, turning into tiny little microfibres ready to wash into the water supply and eventually into the ocean.

It would be fair to say that neither the little fishes, nor us humans eating the little fishes, particularly fancy having plastic on the menu...however in light of the fact no-one has found a good natural alternative for swimwear, we're stuck in a plastic rut.


Luckily not all plastic is made equal, and neither too are all men's sustainable swim shorts. That's because the clever science boffins have discovered that a specific type of plastic - called 'Nylon 6' - is indestructible when it's recycled...and it can also be woven into a fabric! *High fives a science boffin*

By indestructible we're not talking about Superman changing his y-fronts for a pair of swimmers, but Nylon 6 differs from most recycled plastics, because it doesn't lose its strength as it's recycled.

Normally as plastic is recycled it gets weaker and weaker, becoming slowly more useless, in some sort of chemical purgatory waiting to end up inevitably in the gates of environmental hell, aka landfill.

But Nylon 6, well, phwoar. Nylon 6 just keeps on going and going, round and round, strong as ever, as it's used, recycled and used again.

Thankfully the science boffins teamed up with the marketing dudes and renamed nylon 6 "Econyl" and got a whole bunch of brands excited about putting it in their swimwear and jackets.


The marketing dudes have also been dining out on the fact that old discarded fishing nets are recycled to get hold of the Nylon 6 and therefore Econyl swim shorts are made from old fishing nets...They do slightly gloss over the fact that nylon 6 also is found in old carpets too, and is a major source for Econyl...

But anyway, here you go, our recommendations for our favourite men's sustainable swim shorts made out of your Nan's old carpet...and some fishing nets saving countless marine animal's lives...but also your nan's carpet.

Take that Econyl marketing dudes.

Sam, Co-founder of Goose Studios


1. Finisterre


As always with Finisterre, I have an open admission. I actually work for them. But, i'm not getting paid to write this - instead they pay me to fold lots of nice clothes and speak to customers about the wonders of sustainable clothing.

However it does mean I can first hand say that the Finisterre swim shorts are mighty fine. Made from Econyl and built to last, these are swim shorts that leave you looking and feeling damn good.

The length of their regular swim shorts is a few inches above the knee, and there's zip pockets to stash away your valuables. Kinda cool geometric prints let you feel like you're making an effort without looking like walking wallpaper.

They've got a mesh inside that's pretty soft and not super tight...but happily tight enough to mean you're not waggling your tickler all around the beach.

We like their 'welsh blanket' print best, as it either looks like your super culturally aware...or a member of Goldie Lookin Chain on their holidays. Ironically I think that band are welsh too. If you we're born this side of the millenium maybe google search that will not be disappointed.

Anyway, cracking pairs of swim shorts. Come say hi at their Bath Pop Up store if you're ever around Somerset!

Shop Here


2. Adidas


Adidas have been on the forefront of technical materials sustainable innovation for a little while. From partnering with Parley to create football shirts from recycled polyester, to creating a prototype trainer made from a single material, making it actually recyclable.

When it comes to swimming, they take things seriously. If you're ploughing up and down the fast lane at your local Better Leisure swimming pool, then you'll be looking for a performance short that keeps you slippery in the water.

Adidas have you covered, with Econyl based chlorine-resistant fabrics, solid drawstrings to keep everything staying put and a range of colours from straight up normal dude to super jazzy jeff.


Happily too it's standard Adidas pricing that won't break the bank. 

Shop Here


3. Vanilla-Sand


Vanilla Sand make Econyl swimwear that just looks damn nice. Fantastic prints that can somehow look both casual or formal at the same time.


Great details like dipped coloured tips on the drawstring and metal eyelets.


Side pockets, back pockets - and made wide enough to fit a rugby front row's thighs into.

Our favourite are the copacobana inspired 'Pepe' short.

It doesn't come cheap, but it is damn beaut.

Shop Here


4. Arket


Arket are one of those kind of annoying H&M family brands. Where they do everything way more sustainably than normal H&M and it makes you think 'WTF H&M just do this all the time'.

But leaving that grievance to one side, Arket make clothes well, they consider their choices of fabrics, and it's all nicely minimalist in a good range of colours - all at a reasonable price.


Exhibit A is above. Made from Econyl, elasticated waist with drawstring, two side pockets, a zipped back pocket and an internal hook for your keys. Soft mesh inside and enough length to feel decently dressed at the beach bar.


All for £35, which feels pretty reasonable for some sustainable goodness that'll last a good few summers.

Shop Here


5. Ché


OK, yes Ché swimshorts are seriously spenny.

But we wanted to include them because they have such a strong aesthetic that perhaps wouldn't normally be associated with sustainability.

So perhaps you are the type of the guy who knows the difference between a deadlift and a back row at the gym, and looks better with a shirt undone than done up.

You've got great hair and take a choice of sliders on holiday.

AND you're into saving the planet.

If this is you, here is Ché.


Econyl fabric, huge aesthetic, damn sexy.

Shop Here


Right. Like lunch time at Mission Burrito, that's a wrap.

Hopefully you've found some sunshine to escape to, and now know how to keep you and the planet looking mighty fine next to the pool...

If you need some organic cotton tees for your travels then make sure to check out the Goose Studios range of men's tees here!


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