Sustainability, who cares? - Guest of The Goose

sustainability, who cares? Does Dr Cox care?


Welcome to 'Guest of The Goose'. Every now and again we invite a guest blogger to give a fresh perspective on sustainability and what it means for you and our future. Because let's face it, if we don't start talking about this now and don't do something about it we're all screwed, hah!


We blame the parents - seriously.

Kicking us off is Tom Rodenby. A writer, thinker, part-time poet and sustainability advocate. If that wasn't enough it turns out he's an all-round top bloke too. Eurgh. Sickening I know.

Over to Tom,


Hi, I’m Tom Rodenby. You might remember me from such YouTube videos as “Meta Simpsons References” and “How not to Introduce Yourself.”


In case you don’t, which you won’t… I’m a friend of Sam’s and nothing but a distant name in Rich’s mind. I like climbing rocks and reading books and I’m passionate about sustainability. Naturally, I was delighted when I got the call from the lead Geese to write a guest blog. We had a quick video chat and decided that we wanted to start out by capturing the ethos that drives the sustainability community.


So, what’s it all about?

Sustainability is basically about balance. It’s about learning to respect our natural surroundings and to give as much as we take. This involves using sensible materials and developing production methods that don’t harm the environment, being conscious of the consequences of our actions and appreciating our glorious home, Earth.


Why should people care? Well, the creation of a sustainable society would ensure that we have stable economic, social and environmental systems that we can pass on to future generations. It’s really that simple; but alas, as with many great ideas, putting it into practice has its challenges.



What are we up against?

Decades of chasing short-term profit without consideration of long-term damage have landed us in the current climate crisis. The costs of this mindset have been devastating; deforestation, labour exploitation, plastic pollution, air pollution, extreme weather patterns, melting of the ice caps, extinction of wildlife, the list goes on. The scary thing is that even now, when the planet is flashing red with the warning self-destruction imminent, there is no sign of this attitude fizzling out.


Accurate depiction of current business attitudes below:


It’s time to move away from the Pirate’s Code


We are now in a position where we need to rapidly change the way we do things (with some scientists saying we have 11 years until irreversible climate change damage). Despite this, politicians and business leaders around the world refuse to acknowledge the urgency of the situation and believe other things (money, war, etc) are more important.


Crazy, I know. Sometimes it feels like I’m living in a bad simulation…


Anyway, we have to stay positive (that’s one of the unwritten rules of the sustainable community). And we have good reason to be! The climate strikes organised by school students across the globe have invigorated new life into the debate and I get the feeling that change is afoot.



What are we up against?

As you are reading this, that means you’ve already taken the first step, acknowledgment. You realise that we all have to make changes in our personal lives. Yes, governments and conglomerates will have to get their act together, but we, as individuals, also have a responsibility to do what we can. Sam and I were talking about how we should view ourselves as part of a whole, as part of the web of humanity, and not just humanity but life. I am reminded of the wonderful poem by John Donne.


No man is an island,

Entire of itself,

Every man is a piece of the continent,

A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

Europe is the less.

As well as if a promontory were.

As well as if a manor of thy friend’s

Or of thine own were:

Any man’s death diminishes me,

Because I am involved in mankind,

And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

It tolls for thee.


So, beyond reading poetry, what practical steps can you take? Here are a few bullet points to stick by…

  • Buy Better Quality, Less Frequently — Fast fashion is the second biggest polluter after the oil industry. Be conscious of what you buy. Choose your style and supplier carefully. There are plenty of sustainable brands out there that make stuff so cool that it transcends the fashion seasons. Once you have it, make it last. Take care of your clothes and they will take care of you.

  • Be Wary of Giants — Yes, I’m talking about Amazon and friends. Do you really need to import salt from a blessed spring in the heart of the Atlas Mountains? Or order consumable products that you could easily get from a local shop? We’re all a little lethargic in this culture of convenience, but that bit of extra effort will do a world of good. (Pun intended). Take the time to head outside and support local businesses where possible. Knowing that your money is going back into your community instead of the bank account of a billionaire honestly makes you feel good.

  • Use your Voice — Finally, go forth and spread the sustainability gospel. Share this post. Shout from the rooftops about your new Goose Studios gear and deck your Instagram with all that sustainable good stuff. Talk to your friends. Vocalise your passion. Join the conversation in any way, but importantly, be patient with people, change isn’t easy… but it is inevitable.

The Goose Studios crew are all about good music, so I’ll close with a tune.


Thanks Tom!

You can, and should follow Tom on his twitter


If you have something to say, you could be a 'Guest of The Goose' too - email - and we'll holla back!

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing - have a top day,

Peace & love,

Sam & Rich x


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