The Brighton Edit - 10 Of The Best!

No pleasantries from me this month, there is more doom and gloom at Goose HQ than the afterparty of Britain’s latest failed attempt to win the Eurovision song contest, for it’s that time of the year where the clocks go back at the end of the month. I can’t pretend to offer a cheery ‘hello, how are you?’ with that on the horizon and I can’t lie to you lovely lot either…
Sorry, I apologise for the hysterics but I HATE the clocks going back. Genuinely I rank it as potentially the worse day of year (alongside that day at the end of February where you thought Christmas was right in the middle of winter but you now realise that winter hadn’t even begun and you can’t understand why everything is just grey. Or Brown.). From now on we are all trudging around in the darkness that will automatically shroud our lives by 4.48pm as we try and live our best lives.
However, despite my grave reservations of the impending Autumnal apocalypse, I have attempted to put a positive spin on all the above by bringing together a set of songs that make you want to hunker down. After a summer of frivolity and a strange mix of Dua Lipa and the best of Northern Soul, one good thing that does come about this seasonal shift is that you can now allow yourself to listen to music that doesn’t make you want to start dancing.
What follows is an assortment of tracks you can quietly put on in the background whilst you now drink wine instead of Mojitos and BBQ’s are replaced by a Deliveroo and a Pre’s.
So, what do we have on the menu this month? It’s a mix of tracks from bands I’ve been fortunate enough to see down in Brighton over the last three years and then some tracks where I don’t really know the artist but those magical algorithms have thrown up a gem or two. Thanks, creepy algorithms!
We have a little cut from Willie J Healey’s last EP (and with new music on the horizon in the coming weeks, catch him ASAP on his tour during November) as well as the genuinely remarkable cover of ‘Someday’ by Julia Jacklin. Then hot of the literal press, we have the new single from The Japanese House followed by everyone’s favourite Canadian troubadour Mac de Marco with ‘On the Level’. We end with Beach Fossil’s cover of Yung Lean’s ‘Agony’, a song that is as haunting as it is beautiful. If you want a little ponder as the rain falls against the bus window, this is for you. It really is a special track.
As always, thanks for reading, thanks for listening and thanks for checking in with Goose Studios – really means a load.
Rich x
Co-founder of Goose Studios
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